SELAH is a place where individuals experiencing domestic abuse can be heard and understood while finding help for the next step of their journey.

Pause and Find Strength for the Journey

Selah means to “pause and reflect”. If you are experiencing domestic abuse or triggers of relational control, step back from your situation, breathe deeply, share your story, and receive the validation and support you need at Selah. We provide free resources and support that will help you and bring clarity to your situation. At Selah you are understood and you are valued.

support icon

Individual Support

To those experiencing the effects of domestic abuse, telling the story and finding a listening ear can make a huge impact. Selah is a safe place for those who have been isolated and overwhelmed by domestic abuse. Selah offers the opportunity to find clarity by processing real experiences with a supportive staff member.

Educational Groups

Educational groups will teach and equip participants to find clarity and direction in their life and relationships. Groups are open to victims, survivors, family members, or those who simply want to learn more about the impact of relational abuse.

icon for survivors and supporters of victims of domestic violence and abuse

Survivors and Supporters

You can be a significant source of strength and encouragement to those experiencing domestic abuse. If you've experienced the trauma of abuse, or know someone in the midst of the journey, your contribution to Selah will be a gift. Your time, gifts, or encouragement matters! Join us in creating a community of support.

Knowledge is Power

graphic representing 1 in 4 women who suffer from domestic abuse

1 in 4 women 
experience some form of abuse from their partner

men and women icons with some highlighted in orange

Domestic Abuse can happen to anyone
regardless of gender, race, religion, economic status, education, or age

1 in 3 adolescents
will experience teen dating violence
while in high school

Stop the Abuse Cycle

When a child experiences trauma, it impacts how their brain works as they grow up. An abuse cycle continues when children in abusive households grow up. 

Selah Empowers wants to stop this cycle!

Contact Selah and learn more about our free resources and confidential services to those impacted by domestic abuse.

women talking and counseling together

Empowering Words from our Participants

“Through Selah, I’ve learned the difference between a difficult marriage and an emotionally destructive marriage, how to advocate for my young daughters and get them help to be emotionally healthy and how to have a solid self-care plan.”
— Selah Participant

“I learned that God didn’t want me to endure the devaluing behavior that broke my spirit and that the destructive behavior was also deeply hurting my children. The support I found through the other women made a world of difference to me.”
— Selah Participant

“This group is educational, but also provided me with the support, tools and resources that I needed to get through my divorce and on my path to healing. These women helped me through every step of my journey.”

— Selah Participant

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